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Resubmitting Failed Transactions

In certain scenarios, you might need to implement a solution to resubmit failed transactions to the Fuel Network. While this approach can be effective, there are important considerations to remember.

Submission and Processing

When submitting a transaction, you will first get a response.

const transactionRequest = await wallet.createTransfer(

const response = await wallet.sendTransaction(transactionRequest);
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If the sendTransaction method resolves without an error, we know that the transaction was successfully submitted and accepted by the network. However, this does not guarantee that the transaction has been processed; it only indicates that the transaction has been accepted and placed in a queue for processing.

To determine whether the transaction has been processed, you must call waitForResult, which will either resolve (with the processed transaction) or reject with an error.

const result = await response.waitForResult();
See code in context

In other words:

  • If sendTransaction is rejected with an error, the transaction was not accepted by the network and is not processed.
  • If waitForResult is rejected with an error, the transaction was accepted but reverted during processing.

Resources Spent When a Transaction Is Processed

If a transaction is reverted during processing, the Fuel VM will still consume the funded resources to cover the gas used up to the point of failure. After deducting the gas cost, the remaining funds will be added to a new UTXO (Unspent Transaction Output) addressed to the owner.

Attempting to resubmit the same transaction request that failed during processing will likely result in an error, as the initially spent resources no longer exist.

const transactionRequest = await wallet.createTransfer(

// Set the gasLimit to 0 to force revert with OutOfGas error
transactionRequest.gasLimit = bn(0);

// Transaction will be successfully submitted
const response = await wallet.sendTransaction(transactionRequest);
try {
  await response.waitForResult();
} catch (error) {
  if (/OutOfGas/.test((<FuelError>error).message)) {
    transactionRequest.gasLimit = bn(1000);
    // Re-submission will fail
    await wallet.sendTransaction(transactionRequest);
See code in context

The attempt from the above snippet will result in the error:

FuelError: Transaction is not inserted. UTXO does not exist: {{utxoId}}

To safely retry a transaction that failed during processing, you should reassemble the request from scratch and resubmit it.

try {
  await response.waitForResult();
} catch (error) {
  if (/OutOfGas/.test((<FuelError>error).message)) {
    const transactionRequest2 = await wallet.createTransfer(

    await wallet.sendTransaction(transactionRequest2);
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